Whether you are a newcomer or a long-time member of our community, we invite you to explore opportunities to get involved in the life of our church. Here are just a few ways you can learn more about who we are and get connected. Be sure to sign-up for our church-wide email to receive regular announcements about upcoming events and opportunities.


Greenville Groups

Scotts & Yiznitskys

Come enjoy a meal, plenty of conversation, and community. This group meets monthly and is a great way for young families and newcomers to build relationships and get connected with others at Christ Pres. Please reach out to us for more information.

The Cummings

Join us every other week as we dive into a discussion of the latest sermon. This group is made up primarily of older adults. If you have questions about this group or would like to get involved, let us know!

Kibler & Scotts

Young adults are welcome to join us every month to enjoy dinner and build community. Reach out to us if you have questions or would like to get involved!

Winterville Groups

The Gradys

We meet monthly at group members’ homes for food and fellowship. Please let us know if you’re interested in getting involved!

The Quinns

Come join us every month as we enjoy a meal and live life together! This is a great way to get plugged into community at Christ Pres, reach out to us with questions or if you’d like to get involved.

The Meyers

This group meets monthly and focuses on fellowship and building relationships. We’re made up of adults of all ages and stages. Please let us know if you’re interested in joining!

Ayden / Grifton / Kinston Groups

HAmiltons & Hicks

We meet every month at Christ Pres following our worship service to enjoy a meal and being together. Please let us know if you’d like to get involved!

Women’s Groups

Monday Evening Study

Come join us every other Monday evening for study and fellowship. Let us know if you’d like to learn more about this women’s small group!

Tuesday Brunch

Every second Tuesday at 10:30am, we gather and build community over coffee, food, and conversation. This is a great way to get connected with other women at our church, please reach out to us for more details!

Wednesday Morning Study

Join us every Wednesday at 9:30am as we discuss Saved: Experiencing the Promise of the Book of Acts. This study provides an accessible, theologically sound guide to the book of Acts. Childcare is available for this study. Please reach out to us for more details!

Thursday Morning Study

During this study, women will watch a Paige Brown video on their own and gather together every Thursday at 9:30am the following week to fellowship and discuss. Please reach out to us for more details!

Men’s Groups


Join us every second Monday of the month as we meet to for fellowship and discussion. If you have questions about the format or schedule, please contact us. Be sure to sign-up for our church-wide email below for regular updates about this or other studies.

Wednesday Morning Devotion

On the first Wednesday of the month, our men’s group gathers at 6:30am at The Biscuit and the Bean for fellowship and a devotion. If you’re interested in attending or have any questions, please contact us.


Looking for ways to volunteer?

Consider using your gifts to support and serve our community. We are always looking for volunteers to serve on Sunday mornings or in other areas of ministry. Let us know how and where you’d like to serve!

Becoming a Member

Have questions about membership?

If you are a regular attender, we encourage you to consider becoming a member of our church. You can learn more about Christ Pres and what it means to be a member in our Discover CPC class. Let us know if you’re interested in attending or would like to view previous sessions!