Join us for in-person worship at 11 AM on July 4th.
We are looking forward to gathering together for Sunday worship. While we are doing everything we can to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in our facilities, we cannot guarantee that in-person services will be a COVID-free zone. Please assist us in creating a safe environment by being thoughtful when considering attendance and staying home if you are experiencing any COVID-related symptoms.
In light of the CDC’s recent lifting of recommendations for masking of fully vaccinated people in public places, Christ Presbyterian Church no longer requires masking for congregants who are fully vaccinated. The church leadership does ask all congregants age 6 and above who are not fully vaccinated to continue to wear a mask at all times while inside the building. This is in agreement with current public health guidelines and motivated out of love for and desire to protect members of our body. We have some in our body who are immunocompromised (due to pregnancy, cancer, certain medications, etc.), unvaccinated, or interact with those who have these risk factors.
The session wants to thank the body for the ways in which you have acted to love and protect one another during this pandemic. We are thankful that to our knowledge no one has contracted COVID-19 while at CPC gatherings and appreciate the Lord’s mercy in this.
Guidelines for Nursery
Please assist us in providing a welcoming environment for our littlest ones by continuing to register your children for nursery. Registration ensures we provide adequate space and staffing on Sunday mornings. Safety protocols are in place to promote the health of your children and our staff.