We hope you’ll join us in-person for worship and Sunday School. Classes for adults, youth, and children begin at 9:45am followed by worship at 11am. For a list of current Sunday School classes please visit our contact page and send us a message.
New Here?
If you’re visiting with us, we’d love to say hello and welcome you to our community. We hope you find yourself among people shaped by the gospel and that you feel invited to be a part of our family. Our staff and leaders are available to talk or meet with you and you’re also welcome to grab a welcome booklet on your way into worship for more information about our church and helpful resources available to you. If you have any lingering questions about who we are or how to get involved in the life of our church, we encourage you to contact us.
Singing and Communion
Worship through singing is a part of us responding as a people loved by God. We incorporate both historical melodies that have a rich history in the life of the church as well as more contemporary arrangements. We celebrate communion together every week. Our order of worship provides a brief overview of the structure and components of our worship service.
Resources for Parents
Nursery is available for children 3 and under. For children older than nursery-age, we provide resources to assist parents whose children would like to participate in the service. Children’s Church is available for children ages 4 - Kindergarten except on fifth Sundays during which we practice Family Worship. Our building is also equipped with a sensory room available to parents with children with sensory needs who need a break during worship.